Wednesday, July 27, 2011

We're not sure what this is.

From the looks of it, this is a pop-quiz short answer question, but the student didn't have any blank paper available, so he took out a page that already had some notes written on it. I spoke with Jim recently, and he wasn't able to identify the book or short story under discussion; if anyone can pinpoint the piece based on the contextual clues, the Archives would be eternally grateful to you. In any case, the exegesis begins with the words "This lady is pissed" and only gets sillier, concluding with a fulminating, existential rant. Oh, yeah, and a Limp Bizkit reference. Transliteration provided below.

 "Art for Art's sake"
New Criticism -T.S. Eliot/Ezra Pound
Utilitarianism-things gain meaning out of their usefulness
                   -humans had worth based on usefulness

Whats the story

This lady is pissed she is a servant and is fed up with doing servant type activities. She is disgruntled and longs to be out of doors like a wild bobcat. Much of this feeling (almost all) is conveyed through the arti subjects facial expressions. It just looks tedious and meaningless to her. Sunshine should provoke more emotion than that. (morning -- Beginning of day means nothing to her.) She wants to justify ripping someones head off.

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